Studies at the University “Kadri Zeka” are organized on two levels. Bachelor and master level.
Based on a decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, students enrolling for the first time in the first year of studies are not obliged to pay the first and second semesters.
“Kadri Zeka” University for each academic year awarded incentive scholarships for the best students of all study program of the bachelor level of studies.
The amount and criteria for obtaining university scholarships are set by the Board of Directors through a call for submission.
Open calls from the HERAS Plus project
The HERAS Plus project has opened three calls for applications. Calls are open to all public HEIs in Kosovo. They aim to contribute to the development of higher education, research and applied sciences in Kosovo through cooperation with Austrian public institutions. Below, please find a brief summary of each call.
Programmatic Partnership:
A total of 5 programmatic partnerships will be awarded. The maximum value of a project is 40,000 EUR, the application deadline is March 25, 2021. The application procedure and other information can be found at the link:
Research Grants:
A total of 9 grants will be awarded. The maximum value of a grant is 15,000 EUR, the application deadline is 25 February 2021. The application procedure and other information can be found at the link:
Scholarships for PhD and PostDoc:
The total scholarships to be distributed is 300 months. The application deadline is January 31, 2021. The application procedure and other information can be found at the link:
Vendim i KD per shumen e burses studentore 2017
ShkarkoVendim i Rektorit per bursa universitare 2015
ShkarkoVendim i Senatit per aprovimin e kritereve per bursa universitare 2016
ShkarkoVendim i senatit per caktimin e kritereve per dhenien e burses universitare 2017
ShkarkoVendim i Senatit per miratimin e kritereve per bursen universitare 2018
ShkarkoVendim i Senatit per miratimin e kritereve per bursen universitare 2020
ShkarkoVendim i KD per kriteret e burses universitare 2019-2020
ShkarkoVendim i KD per ndarjen e bursave universitare 2019-2020
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