UKZ’s mission is as follows:
A Temple of Knowledge which cultivates learning and the development of knowledge, fosters critical thinking and the spirit of entrepreneurship for new research, which aid social and technological development, prepare responsible and professionally capable young people to be part of a virtual and global society, part of an open labour market and at the same time, a model for other members of society.
This mission is based on several pillars: teaching and knowledge; modern society and fair competition; modern labour markets; critical, research and entrepreneurial thinking.
This mission is coherent with the mission of higher education in the Republic of Kosovo, respectively with the Law on Higher Education in the Republic of Kosovo, with the Strategic Plan for Education in Kosovo 2017-2021 (see: ) and with the National Development Strategy 2016-2021 (NDS) (see: ).
Also, the UKZ public mission is coherent with:
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